The Solution

The past few years, I’ve really given a lot of attention to those “spiritual” realities that belong to me through Christ Jesus. You know, things like eternal security, even though I sometimes don’t feel

secure, justification, even though at times I don’t feel very just, and righteousness, even though I certainly do not feel very righteous.

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I’ve heard most of my Christian life that true Christianity is not experienced by the way we feel, but rather, by faith in the completed work of Christ. Often times we hear something over and over again and then one day we really “hear” it. I guess that’s what has happened in my life.

I think it’s starting to sink in. Without Christ, I can do nothing. Nothing at all. He is my life. In Christ, I not only possess eternal life, but also the power for living the daily Christian life. Abundant and complete life. I’m certainly not suggesting I’ve reached a level of perfect behavior or “arrived” in the Christian life, but I’ve discovered the great joy, peace, and power that comes from appropriating the spiritual realities of what

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and who I am in Christ. Simply Christ.

When we begin to focus on the spiritual realities of what we are in Christ, it alters the way we think and live. We stop trying and start trusting. So how about it, do you fully know what and who you are in Christ? Think about that. Be honest. Do you “know” Him? Search for these promises in Holy Scripture, and, when you find them, receive them by faith. It will change your life.

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One Response to “The Solution”

  1. Erin Says:

    Great thoughts Dad. I really enjoyed reading this tonight. It encouraged me. I’m glad you have this site now!! Keep it up, God is using you in many ways!!! :-) Love you!!!