Retribution Theology
“The Lord hath also a controversy with Judah, and will PUNISH Jacob according to his ways; according to his doings will he recompense him” (Hosea 12:2).
Did you know the Scripture never says God will PUNISH believers who are under the New Covenant of grace. It is not said in. The New Testament. He lovingly chastens us or corrects us as a Father does His child. For our good.
Some Preachers today hammer “retribution theology” and often pull Old Testament verses pertaining to Israel. Tough guys. Hearing “Preach it!” from like minded believers. Shouting, get right! Or God is going to get you!
Repent, yes. Get right, yes. Obey, yes. But punishment was satisfied by Christ on the cross. Do you picture God with an angry, disapproving frown or a smile? Because of Jesus, believer, He is smiling.
Does this prompt me to sin? To live it up? God forbid! His love, mercy, and grace constrains me to love and obey Him.