Truth in Love
I’m not always faithful in doing this. But the guide for every Christian is contained in Holy Scripture. Which by the way, cannot be forced on unbelievers or those who disagree with God. Always speak truth. Truth that is clearly establish by God. But speak it in love.
I’m talking about easy, plain, no-brainer, and black and white truth. Not deeper theological truth. When we speak “God’s” truth in love, others may protest. They’ll disagree. They will reject it. Hate it. But bear in mind, God gave over 600 laws to Israel and they did not obey them. Our government cannot legislate humankinds behavior. No government can. God has created every human with a free will. A will that is only altered when God changes our heart through belief in Jesus Christ.
Then, the Holy Spirit guides our choices through the word of God.
“But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:” (Ephesians 4:15).