Slow down and consider this…
“But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world
” (Galatians 6:14).
I glory in the cross and boast in Christ as I ponder the salvation that is mine through faith in His finished work. “Jesus died for sinners, of whom I am chief
.” Dear friend, it will change your life when you carefully examine this great gift and fully accept it. Don’t hold back. Have you taken the time to really consider what Christ has done for you? Have you taken the time to truly think and dwell on it? The work of sanctification [separated from sin to God
] and redemption [full payment for sin] is done. The work of justification [deemed and declared righteous even though we sin] and imputed righteousness [made the righteousness of God] is done. The blood of Christ has cleansed you from all sin—past, present, and future. You are forgiven. You are reconciled. You are adopted as the child of God. It is finished. There is nothing left for you to do. God is satisfied.
As we receive these Bible truths in faith we experience the real joy of His salvation. We walk free from all condemnation. There is no judgment. God is fully and finally appeased. This constrains us to love Jesus and obey Him. This constrains us to love one another. These truths help us to walk in the liberty, freedom, and power that belong to us in Christ. I implore you to learn and appropriate, by faith, the sure reality of whom and what we are in Christ.