The Unique You!
“But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold
” (Matthew 13:8).
It is important for us to know there are different levels of fruit production because it will help us avoid the trap of comparing ourselves with ourselves. In other words, Christ becomes our standard of truth and righteousness not each other. Don’t be discouraged if you seem to be “lagging behind” someone else in your spiritual life. We are each in the process of growth. In addition, avoid the sin of pride if you seem to be way out ahead of another Christian. Everyone is not yielding the same exact amount of fruit. Remain steadfast in your commitment to the person of the Lord Jesus Christ and you will yield the fruit He desires to bring forth in your life. Get off the falling ladder of self-righteous standards and plant your feet on the solid Rock—who is Jesus. Turn fully to the one who is full of grace and truth.