“To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved ” (Ephesians 1:6).
What are you endeavoring to be? What good work do you perform in order to find acceptance with God? Is it diligent prayer? Is it daily meditation and study of His word? Is it self denial and diligent commitment to consecration? Is it a change in outward behavior? Perhaps you’ve changed your physical appearance and dress to appease God. I say to you there are no deeds, no works, no laborious efforts, no holy resolves and no outward changes that produce acceptance with God apart from what Jesus Christ has already done for you.
Jesus hath made us accepted to the full. There is no condemnation with God for those who are in Christ. You are no longer the enemy of God for Christ hath reconciled you. The sentence of eternal death is abolished in Christ. You are clothed in the very righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. In Christ you are accepted with God. Believe it, dear friend. Others may tell you God desire more for approval. No! Christ hath paid the price in full and you are redeemed. You are justified. The atonement for your sins has been made. You are bought with the price of His precious blood which was shed for your sins at the cross.
So I ask where our praise is. Where is the glory? Is it in the pious deeds of mortal man? Is it found in the futile attempt to please God? At the end of a day do we bask in our good thoughts, good words, or good deeds? God forbid. Our praise is found in the grace of God. The benefit, favor, and gift of God through Jesus Christ have made us accepted to the full. There is no praise for us. There is no glory found in the deeds of the flesh. It’s all Christ. The glory is His.
Why not stop this moment and praise Him for the glory of His grace? Praise Him for making you accepted with a perfect, holy, and righteous God. And if you’ve not yet received and believed on Jesus Christ, why not do it now? He died for your sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day.
August 31st, 2009 at 10:53 am
I thank you for your words of encouragement and keeping everything in the correct perspective. I truly believe that if what we say and do, must reflect on the Lordship of Christ. The early (founding fathers of the faith), understood this concept. We must, in this day, learn this lesson to face the future events that are coming.
We love you guys. In our prayers daily.
Don DeSimone
Col 3:14.